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Mar 26, 2020

Ara Arslanian, sales executive (and one of my closest friends), joined me for drinks, playing guitar, a whole lot of sh*t talking.


Mar 20, 2020

Hillary Goldberg Zashin is the owner of CORUS45, a high intensity, low impact Pilates-inspired interval training workout studio. She joined me for a conversation about the success behind her company and the effects that Coronavirus is having on her business.

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Mar 19, 2020

Barbara Marlowe and her daughter, Teeba Furat Marlowe, joined me to share their remarkable story of love, hope and fate.  At the ripe age of almost 2, Teeba suffered severe life-threatening burns after her father's car hit a roadside bomb in Iraq in 2003.  A July 16, 2006 newspaper story of the incident would catch the...

Mar 18, 2020

Dr. Roy Buchinsky, family physician at University Hospitals, returned to the podcast to discuss all things Coronavirus - reasons for social distancing, societal effects, science behind the disease, prevention and outlook for our future.  This was arguably the most important episode I have released to-date and I hope you...

Mar 4, 2020

David Tao is a Harvard graduate and founder of BarBend, a leading online fitness and strength training brand with over 2 million monthly visitors.  An Internet marketing and content expert, David also hosts the BarBend Podcast and is a member of @badassery_hq.

Connect with David on Instagram | Twitter

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